May 22, 2011


MASTER'S TOUCH Our Aftercare Program

At Wayside Cross Ministries in Aurora, we have a 93-bed, Bible-based, Christ-centered, residential, recovery program. It is a privilege to be able to offer this transitional "aftercare" to men being released from jail & prison.

The first six months (Levels 1 & 2) is classes, chapel, & counseling, along with good, old-fashioned work. Every one is part of the team!

After graduating from Level 2 at the end of six months, you may leave, or you can go on to Level 3 (a residential job & more classes), or Level 4 (an outside job). As needed, you may stay with us up to two years.

We'll have more on the Master's Touch and Lifespring (our women's program) in future newsletters.

For more information now, please visit


"Answers in Genesis" in Jail
With so many inmates in our jails, it's just impossible for the Chaplain, or even the volunteers, to touch every inmate. Many of the inmates request to visit with the Chaplain, and many more request to go to Bible Study classes, or Dads' Classes, or Worship Services, but, too many just sit in the "dayrooms" and watch TV & play cards. How do you reach them for Christ?

To the inmates who come to the Bible Classes and do come to know Jesus, I show them Ken Ham videos on Creationism. The inmates get excited about their faith! They get more confidence in the Bible and in their own ability to "stand up for Jesus!" It's practical apologetics! They evangelize their fellow inmates!

Covered are such subjects as:
Is Genesis Relevant Today?
Did God Create in 6 Literal Days?
Why is There Death & Suffering
Is There Really a God?
Do Animals Evolve?
Where Did the Races Come From?
Dinosaurs - In the Bible?
Fossils & the Flood
Raising Godly Children
How can we Evangelize a Secular World?

The Answers in Genesis ministry has been very generous to allow us to copy their material for use in the jails. The inmates are growing in their faith and reaching their fellow inmates for Christ!

I encourage you to visit AiG at

Will your Christianity stand the test of time?
Download it! Take it to the jail!


•Please pray for the Kendall County Jail staff, as they're having some difficulty in getting ready to start their new & improved volunteer program.
•Please pray for the Illinois Prison Counselors who have expressed a desire to host our 2-Day "Dads Classes" Seminar, that they'll be able to receive the necessary permissions to invite us.
•Praise God for the growth of the New Life Corrections Ministry, and please pray God will provide increased income to allow the hiring of an assistant for Chaplain Tom.
•Please pray that as more & more inmates are exposed to the Gospel, that God will be drawing more of them to life-changing faith in Jesus Christ.

Please consider supporting the NEW LIFE CORRECTIONS MINISTRY. You could visit our website,, and click on the Red Heart, or you could please send a check to New Life Corrections, 215 East New York Street, Aurora IL 60505.


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