June 11, 2012

SOCPM Ministry Prayer Requests

SOCPM Praises and Prayer RequestJune 10, 2012

Greetings all,

The SOCPM is very thankful and blessed for your prayer support. The number of recipients is growing and is approximately now 69 e-mail addresses.  With the SOCPM Student prayer request at 100+ e-mail addresses the maintaining of the distribution lists has become a challenge in recent months. For what ever reason the distribution lists periodically will drop an e-mail address or send to the wrong one if you have two or more e-mail address in my contact book or include an e-mail that the recipient has requested to be removed from. SOCPM apologizes for these inconsistencies. To resolve this SOCPM will begin a trial run with Constant Contact an e-mail service provider in the near future, hopefully with the next prayer requests. My hope is this will resolve most if not all issues currently being experienced in the distribution of SOCPM e-mails. 

Again thank you for your dedication to being prayer warriors for the SOCPM students.


28 men attended and completed New Life Correction's 2-day seminar "Transforming Incarcerated Dad" at Menard MSU.

SOCPM was approved for a July 11 start for the 3rd Renewing Fatherhood class and 1st Discipleship 101 class and be working directly with the chaplain's office

SOCPM was recognized as volunteer of the year at Sheridan Correctional Center


SOCPM is continuing to meet with the Chaplain at Sheridan to develop a class that will focus on; how to study the Bible, prayer

SOCPM is hoping to also offer programs for correctional officers please pray for the doors to open for this and the steps to ministering to them in some capacity by year's end.

Safe travels and a successful seminar in a volunteer capacity with New Life Corrections' instruction of 'Transforming Incarcerated Dads' to a class of men at East Moline Correctional Center July 1 & 2 and at Danville Correctional Center July 9 & 10.

My meeting with John at Kendall County Jail continues but is nearing its' end as John's move to Illinois Department of Corrections can happen at almost anytime to begin a 35 year sentence. Pray that my last few visits with John will be fruitful in the area of the power of prayer.

Pray for Tom Beatty and the ministry God has called him to steward New Life Corrections. God continues to open doors for Tom and NLC but it is a heavy workload. He and the teams he oversees are in numerous county jails and doing the "Transforming Incarcerated Dads" through out the state and much more. In particular IYC St. Charles where him and a man by the name of Mark are teaching the Malachi Dads program to the youth is a very challenging call. Please pray God will give them perseverance and wisdom and a healthy and obedient response from the youth and staff at IYC.

SOCPM is in urgent need of additional reoccurring monthly support to cover monthly expenses, which are currently averaging $650. Current monthly support is $325. Thankfully one-time gifts have been a blessing in off setting some of these expenses and have reduced the need for them to be paid from personal finances.  Please pray that God will bring forth additional monthly ministry partners.

To continue being blessed in presenting the mission and vision of SOCPM to potential ministry resources and financial support partners. SOCPM is hoping to complete several administrative tasks (web site, brochures, etc.) with others who have offered their assistance. Please give thanks for God providing the gifts through the assistance of others and that a major piece if not all can be in place by July 1.


          A high-speed printer with relatively low maintenance costs

          Logos Leadership Library software

          Ongoing office supplies are listed on the "SOCPM" Amazon Wish List  


If you currently are not a student prayer partner or a financial ministry partner of SOCPM and would like to become one please note the steps below:

SOCPM Student Prayer Partner - Prayer requests from SOCPM students are sent weekly. If  would like to receive these prayer requests please send an e-mail to socpm@socpm.org stating you like to be added to the Student Prayer List.

SOCPM Ministry Prayer Partner (this prayer request) – If you know someone who may be interested in becoming a SOCPM Ministry Prayer Partner which are sent bi-weekly please ask them to send an e-mail to socpm@socpm.org stating they like to be added to the SOCPM Ministry Prayer List.

SOCPM Financial Partner – To become an SOCPM financial partner, through a reoccurring gift or a one-time gift, tax deductible donations can be made payable to "Redeemer Fellowship" with the notation of "Prison Ministry" in the memo section (this is required in order for Redeemer Fellowship to know where the gift is to be directed). Financial gifts can be mailed to

Redeemer Fellowship 1125 Oak Street St. Charles, IL 60174

From a very grateful heart, thank you for your prayers and financial support.

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