February 8, 2012

Jail Missionary Opportunities February 8, 2012

JAIL-MAIL from Chaplain Tom                   February 8, 2012




I was in prison and you came to Me.




Bible Lesson Graders

Weekly, Tuesdays, 7 - 9 PM


Every week, our Graders meet at Redeemer Fellowship Church, 1125 Oak Street, in St. Charles, to grade Bible Lessons completed by inmates. We have Grading Keys & training available!  It's great fellowship around the Word!  12-years & older. Those under 18 must be accompanied by a parent.




Literature Distributors

Saturdays, 8 - Noon


In the NRC Unit of Stateville Prison (Joliet), the inmates have no programs, no TV, no radios, no nothing, EXCEPT the literature we take them! You can join us as a "Limited Volunteer," once every three months, on a Saturday, 8 - Noon.  We visit the men cell-by-cell.  You must bring your own literature.  18 & older, no felony record.





at the


1st Thursdays, 6 - 8 PM


Every 1st Thursday of every month, 6 - 8 PM, we show Christian movies to the teen boys at the IYC in St. Charles.  You could come along, help provide snacks, share a word of testimony! Must be 18 or older, no felony record

Bible Study 


Weekly, Fridays, 2 - 3:30 PM


Chaplain Tom needs a partner in the DuPage County Jail (Wheaton),  on Fridays, , and 

Weekly, Thursdays, 1 - 2:30 PM


in the IL Youth Center (St. Charles), on Thursdays..

We're following a curriculum, but not strictly.  Sometimes we show a video.  Must be 18-years or older, no felony record, with your Pastor's recommendation.



2-Day Seminar 


Overnight, Monday - Tuesday


In 2 days (usually a Mon-Tue), we present our "Dads' Classes" in the 25 men's state prisons across Illinois (at their invitation!).  We pay our own expenses (travel, motel, some meals), usually as part of a team of 6.  Must be a Christian Dad, 18 or older, no felony record, with your Pastor's recommendation.







Yearly, in the fall


Our only fund-raising event.  I need help organizing, recruiting Table Captains (to invite other guests), Table Sponsors (to underwrite the banquet costs), decorating, and perhaps conducting a "silent auction."


Book Cart


Weekly, Tuesdays, 9 - 11 AM


In the Kendall County Jail (Yorkville), on Tuesdays, and in the Kane County Jail (varied times), we take a Book Cart, loaded with Bibles, Christian books and literature,BibleLessons,tractsdevotionals. We also offer them  and 1-on-1 counseling. Must be 18-years or older, no felony record, with your Pastor's recommendation.





Weekly, Mondays, 11 AM - 1 PM


Our 10 "Dads' Classes" are presented one per week, in Stateville Prison (Mon.& Wed)

Weekly, Wednesdays 9 - 11 AM


in the Kendall County Jail (Tue. 1:30 - 3 PM), and

Weekly, Tuesdays 1:30 - 3 PM


in the Kane County Jail 

Weekly, Fridays 7 - 9 PM


(Fridays 7 - 9 PM).  Must be a Christian Dad, 18 or older, no felony record, with your Pastor's recommendation.




Kane County Jail


Tuesdays, 7 - 9 pm


Using curriculum from "Recovery in Christ"


a Christ-centered, 12-step approach to addiction recovery.  Please contact Vicki for details at



If God would lead you to financially support the New Life Corrections Ministry, a convenient, secure way to donate is through the Wayside Cross Ministries website - 

www.waysidecross.org.  Click on the Red Heart, and designate your gift to New Life!



For more information on any of the above opportunities, including volunteer applications, please contact Chaplain Tom at tbeatty@waysidecross.org


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