A place for those that volunteer or work in the Prison and Jail Ministry. Those with loved ones that are incarcerated or soon to be incarcerated. For those that were incarcerated at one time.
February 29, 2012
CHAPLAINS TRAINING ACADEMY - not just for Chaplains!
February 20, 2012
Dads Needed at Stateville, March 19 & 20, AND MORE!
February 19, 2012
SOCPM Student Prayer Request 02/17/2012
Another couple of classes conclude this week and though this is the fifth one God continues to increase my joy and my heart beyond imagination. Especially so when I hear of answered prayer that at one time came from these prayer requests that you faithful servants continue to labor in. Thank you on behalf of all the men, my wife Michelle and me.
The biggest prayer is that Robert J. progressed coming to faith last Sunday. Robert was in Malachi Dads last year and participated almost zilch and eventually quit coming. When I saw he was enrolled for both Renewing Fatherhood and Discipleship 101 I was a bit downcast thinking he's be taking a seat from someone who wanted to be there, but God hopefully used that seat he occupied in some way to bring on a true saving faith. He was much more a participant tho year and at times supplied response that a laugh and though not God focused I believe God used the class' response for the glory I share with you now.
It is a challenge for me to see classes end as many of those men I'll most likely never cross paths with again at least not on this side of the Kingdom, but the great majority have been planted in my heart by a means that only comes from God.
About 11 of the Discipleship 101students will return for the second module of the class. The rest will be paroled in March and April and Sheridan thought it be best that those seats got to those who will be here for the whole class. I'm running a bit short on time before going to church but I will send another e-mail with the names of the students paroling and their parole dates and ask that you lift them in prayer as their parole date approaches
Classes for both Renewing Fatherhood and Discipleship 101 resume at Dixon February 29 and at Sheridan March 2 and I look forward to partnering with you again in lifting the students to our awesome God's healing hands
Dixon Correctional Center Renewing Fatherhood
No Prayer Request – New class Begin February 29 2012
Sheridan Correctional Center
Prayer Request – Friday February 17, 2012
Renewing Fatherhood
Robert J. – I’m praying for my family, friends and the rest of the world.
Christopher M. – Pray that my significant other keeps her word and brings my kids to see me even though she is feeling lonely without me. Pray for the good time to come back soon.
William H. Please pray for my unification with my family upon my release. Thank you and bless you for this opportunity.
Rick R. – Please pray for my whole family and me and our understanding of God’s Word. Pray for a friend name Joni for a speedy recovery from her surgery.
Christopher F. – Jimilee F., William F., Devin S., Debra S., Vivian B and family.
William D. – Please continue to pray that I soften my heart to forgive myself as well as the people I’ve harmed and who wish to harm me. Last but not least pray our heavenly Father will me as a vessel outside my home so I can be a ray of light for those who walk in darkness. Thank you very much.
John – That Phillip will stay out of prison, stay clean and sober and change his life to serve God. Pray for Renee and her family and for peace and happiness. Pray for my mother and family that they are blessed & healthy and for me that I will pray more and get back into my word. Pray my faith will increase and that I will be moved.
Discipleship 101
Jon B. – Request prayer that God will implant the spirit of joy and happiness in my life and rebuke the spirit of depression.
Christopher M. – Pray that my fiancée and I will ultimately grow during my time away from her. Pray that I will be the father friend, husband, grandfather that I can be even though I made this mistake.
Name Not Given – Please pray for Julie and Julian for God’s grace and mercy while I’m gone in a recovery home for three months. Thank you and God bless
Clarence – For my over all obedience to God in Jesus name, Amen
Antoine – I ask that you pray for my family and me. Thank God for prayers for us, especially for my mom being reunited with her sister after many years. I ask that you pray for us believers here and abroad that we can shine His light to those who don’t believe
Anthony – Please pray for the following people; my mother Lorette that God keep her safe and healthy, my son Stephen that he make good decisions and know that I love him, my brother Pete that he get help with his addiction, my brother George that the info I sent him helps him get a job, myself that the God show me the way to forgive myself and that He gives me strength to help others on my journey. Pray for our group that we stayed focused on the word and stay strong until our next group begins.
Robert M. – Please pray for my children and my mother. Also please pray for the powers that be so they may best help me with these plans for my aftercare. I know God will be wherever I am. Also please pray for my walk so I may always glorify God. Thank you His loving servant.
Dean – Please pray for my Aunt Harriet who is really struggling with her cancer treatment. My father Curtis has prostrate cancer, please pray for him, my family and myself I truly fear loosing anyone while I’m in here! Pray for all my family and friends, myself as I applied for work release, Scott, my instructor for him and his family for much health and happiness.
Robert J. – I hope that the world becomes a better place.
Robert H. – For God to prepare a place for me on 3-13-12 on my release to provider all my needs and necessities, food, shelter, an excellent job, continued good health and restoration upon my life.
Michael S. – I pray that God will continue to bless this prison ministry of discipleship and Inside Out Dads with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. God grant me the patience I need to stay out of prison and reveal to me how he wants do His ministry. Pray for my mom Mary who is retiring in April, that God protects, blesses and enriches the rest of her life. Prayers for the needs of my sister Angie and her family, also I’d like to pray for all the prisoners who are using the program at Sheridan for good times or visits. May God bless all of you all ways with His peace. Love and joy.
Richard – Please pray for me to be confident and assured in following the path Christ has prepared for me, especially upon release to a Christian aftercare program. God bless
Scott Kalas
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:36 ESV)
February 15, 2012
One-Day Jail & Prison Ministry Training Seminar