May 30, 2011

Jail-Mail - Road Team To Expand. May 2011

Dads' Classes "Road Teams"
"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel!"
- Mark 16:15

New Life Corrections Ministry
Wayside Cross Ministries
215 East New York Street
Aurora IL 60505

May 30, 2011

I received this email last week from an official in the Illinois Department of Corrections.

"Hello Chaplain Tom! We have started our statewide Fatherhood Initiative and are so excited. Because of the success of your program at Robinson Correctional Center and at Stateville, I have a big request. Can you make this happen in each of our male facilities state wide and if so how do you envision accomplishing this task? The two day program is fabulous and so well received. I know this is a tall order, so we could discuss how to best move toward this end. Looking forward to working with you on this endeavor." I assured the official we would do it, that my goal would be to do one prison each month, and I'd pray God would raise up the volunteers and resources to make it happen.

Please pray as this ministry opportunity develops!
Please pray God will raise up volunteers
and the necessary finances!

On our Dads' Classes "Road Teams," we present the same Dads' Classes we have weekly in many local County Jails, but we present them in a 2-Day Seminar. We visit Prisons, where weekly classes simply are not an option for us. Our purposes are:

•Bring the Gospel to the inmates in the context of fatherhood,
•Hopefully spark an interest in the men to become better Dads, break the generational cycle of crime, reduce recidivism, and
•Hopefully spark an interest in the Prison Staff to welcome the year-long Malachi Dads' Program.

"Road Team" members lead small-group discussions between the classes, and may lead classes (your choice). We pay our own expenses (travel, motel & some meals). Class materials & training are provided. If you're interested, now's the time to get signed up! We don't have the various prisons scheduled yet, but I'm hopeful to be able to schedule one each month. You must be signed up at least 6 weeks in advance for security clearances to be obtained. Brian Polencheck, "Road Team" member, on our trip to Robinson in April: "I think I believed that most of the inmates would be there as a way to have this look good on their record and what I found was that the majority really wanted to learn how to be a good fathers and men. I could see the hurt in many of their eyes and voices because of not having those relationships with their children and wives. I believe many really had no idea how to fix the hurt and pain they had or inflicted on those they cared about. I also discovered, after experiencing the small group sessions, how many of these men had no father or male role models and the ones they had were quite the opposite of good role models. I wondered how I would have turned out if I would have experienced the same as them and would have never known the love of our heavenly Father. I realized I could be in their place. God has given me a lot - none of it I have earned or deserved - so for me to take those 2 days to give just a small portion back was a privilege."

To sign up, please email Chaplain Tom at

"Road Team" members, scheduled to visit Robinson Correctional Center, October 17-18, 2011:

1. Dave Haidle
2. George King
3. Brian Polencheck
4. Gary Sellers
5. Fred MIller
6. ScottKalas !
7. Chris McClure
8. Ramiro Medrano 9. Tom & Wendy Horton

In faith, I'm expecting more prisons to invite us, so we'll need more volunteers! Email Chaplain Tom today,










"FIREPROOF" (the movie)

If you're not able to join our "Road Team,"
please keep an eye on our email updates and join us in prayer. This ministry has incredible potential!

Please email Chaplain Tom for more information or to sign up for the "Road Team!"

May 22, 2011


MASTER'S TOUCH Our Aftercare Program

At Wayside Cross Ministries in Aurora, we have a 93-bed, Bible-based, Christ-centered, residential, recovery program. It is a privilege to be able to offer this transitional "aftercare" to men being released from jail & prison.

The first six months (Levels 1 & 2) is classes, chapel, & counseling, along with good, old-fashioned work. Every one is part of the team!

After graduating from Level 2 at the end of six months, you may leave, or you can go on to Level 3 (a residential job & more classes), or Level 4 (an outside job). As needed, you may stay with us up to two years.

We'll have more on the Master's Touch and Lifespring (our women's program) in future newsletters.

For more information now, please visit


"Answers in Genesis" in Jail
With so many inmates in our jails, it's just impossible for the Chaplain, or even the volunteers, to touch every inmate. Many of the inmates request to visit with the Chaplain, and many more request to go to Bible Study classes, or Dads' Classes, or Worship Services, but, too many just sit in the "dayrooms" and watch TV & play cards. How do you reach them for Christ?

To the inmates who come to the Bible Classes and do come to know Jesus, I show them Ken Ham videos on Creationism. The inmates get excited about their faith! They get more confidence in the Bible and in their own ability to "stand up for Jesus!" It's practical apologetics! They evangelize their fellow inmates!

Covered are such subjects as:
Is Genesis Relevant Today?
Did God Create in 6 Literal Days?
Why is There Death & Suffering
Is There Really a God?
Do Animals Evolve?
Where Did the Races Come From?
Dinosaurs - In the Bible?
Fossils & the Flood
Raising Godly Children
How can we Evangelize a Secular World?

The Answers in Genesis ministry has been very generous to allow us to copy their material for use in the jails. The inmates are growing in their faith and reaching their fellow inmates for Christ!

I encourage you to visit AiG at

Will your Christianity stand the test of time?
Download it! Take it to the jail!


•Please pray for the Kendall County Jail staff, as they're having some difficulty in getting ready to start their new & improved volunteer program.
•Please pray for the Illinois Prison Counselors who have expressed a desire to host our 2-Day "Dads Classes" Seminar, that they'll be able to receive the necessary permissions to invite us.
•Praise God for the growth of the New Life Corrections Ministry, and please pray God will provide increased income to allow the hiring of an assistant for Chaplain Tom.
•Please pray that as more & more inmates are exposed to the Gospel, that God will be drawing more of them to life-changing faith in Jesus Christ.

Please consider supporting the NEW LIFE CORRECTIONS MINISTRY. You could visit our website,, and click on the Red Heart, or you could please send a check to New Life Corrections, 215 East New York Street, Aurora IL 60505.


May 15, 2011

Sheridan Correctional Malachi Dads Prayer Request - Friday May 13, 2011

The men are sharing a lot as we continue our study of Inside Out Dad Christian allowing me to get even more insight on additional resources that I can bring to the men or suggest they acquire.

A special note on Levi. He will be released on June 1. I foresee Levi as being a great dad, a Malachi Dad, I also see a time of God using him in his community as a Soldier of Christ. Please pray that Levi not just sees the hope but believes it fully.

Charles – My name is Charles I would like prayer for me to continue to walk with the Lord. Pray for my relationship with my daughter Serena – Thank you God Bless

Lidell – Please pray for my family, my mom who is the caretaker of my two sons, so please pray for her health and for God to bless for ever what her heart desires. Pray for my wife who also is locked up in Lincoln C.C. her name is
Tashia. Pray for my little girl her name is Tanya, that God also bless her. Pray for the men at Sheridan.

Jon B – Request Prayer for reconciliation with those who turned away from me out of my support group. Please pray that the Lord will provide Dave with favor from an employer.

John P - God bless you and your family. I am grateful to be able to have some good Christian people out there still praying for a prisoner like myself. I still am relying on faith to have my daughters write and your prayers are definitely helping me keep the faith. Please pray for one of my Christian brothers, Robert M., who is having trouble with the officers here at Sheridan. Also, please help me to treat people the way I want to be treated and please God treat me tomorrow how I treat people today. Again, thank you for your continual prayers. Humbly yours, Bro. John P.

Robert F - I would like prayer for me, my kids, family and for Sheridan CC inmates and staff to stay in obedience
with God, walking in love, joy, and peace. Thank you. God bless you and your family.

Clarence – Pray with me. I miss my boys, God, I want to hear from them. I ask you Lord in Jesus Name to touch Finesha’s heart to write me. I love Justin, Brendan, Derrius, and Finesha.

Robert M – Please pray for my mother, Carrie, and son, Robert, my fiancé, Julia, who is also incarcerated and struggles with her own addictions and complications. Pray that I keep Christ first so others may see Him in me so I may help with light and not darkness. Also pray for me and my ability to help support my family and be back in the work force to help them as soon as possible. Also, I am having problems from the devil working through some officers here. Pray they might have peace and happiness in their lives.

Adam - to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ, may God bless you! I ask for prayer for my father, Anthony. He is going through chemotherapy and is very sick. Please, always, keep the persecuted church in your prayers! Thank you. God bless.

Antoine - I ask that you pray for my family and my son, Antoine Jr., specifically, that they will stay in prayer and continue to lean on the Lord. Pray for the ministry that brings God’s word to us.

Miguel – I ask that you continue to pray that my wife, Lizette, would find a job so that she won’t have to go through the struggles that she goes through now because of the job she has. Also pray for my daughter, Dililah, continues to reach for God and stay focused on His word.

Levi – I ask that you pray for the growth of this study group (all the guys and Scott) in whatever we may need. Pray that I continue to be conscious of my decisions and keep God in the forefront of my mind and heart.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™

To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.

U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671

May 7, 2011

Sheridan Correctional Center Malachi Dads Prayer Request, May 7th, 2011

Greetings everyone;

I had a meeting with the Assistant Warden of Programs this past Friday. The meeting was productive and encouraging for SOCPM’s ongoing partnership with Sheridan Correctional Center. However, I was told two of the men currently in the Malachi Dads class are terminally ill. I was not told their names but I do ask that you lift them and their loved ones in addition to the prayer request below.


Robert M – Please Lord help my mother and son Robert IV, my fiancée Julia in DOC at Decatur C. C. She is struggling with her situation and has had a hard time with her faith in a horrible place. Pray for my sister who is due in June and her two boys, my brother and his wife and kids, my father, aunt, uncle and stepmother and myself. Pray that I may get work release and get home to help my struggling mother and son as well as two daughters, Codi and Rue, my step-kids

John P. – This week has been challenging because today was the day that I was to be released if I had the meritorious good time that was suspended and then terminated. I did everything I was supposed to do and the law was terminated but I know God keep me and He makes no mistakes so it was not my time to be released for whatever reason that only God knows. I am asking that you please pray that I remain in good spirits this week and should the good time back please let me be considered to receive it.

Rodney – I ask that you pray for the well being of my family. I really haven’t heard from anyone in the last month. I don’t know why that is. My mind tends to think something is wrong. Thank you and God bless

Levi – I ask that you continue to pray for the Church (believers) that we collectively continue to learn and live by God’s Word and learn to incorporate the teachings of Christ Jesus into every aspect of our daily lives.

Miguel – I ask that you continue to pray for me to keep going strong as well as my wife. I ask that you pray for my daughter Delilah she fell away from the Father and is now trying to get back in touch with Him. She continues to say that it is hard because she is ashamed of her sins and the fact that she slipped and turned from God. Thank you for your prayers and God bless you and your family.

Jon B – Request prayer for God to provide with favor from prison officials to grant me good time off my sentence.

Robert F. – I’m asking for prayer for my cousin Gale, she’s very ill. Pray for my family, me and Sheridan C. C. Thank you for your prayers God bless you. Amen

Clarence – Pray for my strength in the Lord and that I remain humble as a faithful servant of the Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jacob – I would like for you to pray for my family and my church

Charles – I would like prayer for my transition to a new housing unit for my last 120 days. Pray for me for me to stay in the word of God and to show love and patience. Pray for my daughter, Serena, and my Mom and Dad for their health. Thank you and God bless you.

Antoine – I ask that you pray for my son and family to be strong in the faith and to be able to trust in the Lord. That I can and will be edified with the Word and continue to grow in the Lord. I ask that you give thanks to the Lord for all of His blessing and for your ministry.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™

To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.

U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671

May 2, 2011

Sheridan Correctional Malachi Dads Prayer Request - Friday April 29, 2011

I have a special prayer request that I will be sending hopefully later today where I’ll be asking you to select one of the Malachi Dads( though you can select more if you wish) that request you prayer specifically for them, their children, other family and others who will be directly involved with the dads fathering their children upon the dad’s release. The special prayer request e-mail will have the details.

Thanks and to Him be the glory

Sheridan Correctional Malachi Dads Prayer Request - Friday April 29

Miguel – I thank you for your prayers that you take your time to do so. I ask that you pray for me to continue my walk with God and be tolerant to the constant changes that I go through in here. I also ask that you pray for my wife, Lizette, that she finds another job that she will enjoy doing so she can afford to get off the section 8 like she wants and that she finds it in her heart to truly forgive those that have done wrong to her and talks to her oldest daughter to work out their differences. Thank you for our prayers again, God bless.

Robert M. – Please pray for my son and mother, my fiancée who also is incarcerated, all of my five children, Kylie, Reilly, Rue, Codi, Robert. Please pray for my whole building C13 at Sheridan as well as all the brothers here. Please pray that I may get work release so I may help my children and my disables mother take care of children. Please pray for these men too; Burrur, Evans, Smith, Walker, McMullen, York, Huluces, Jenkins, Corral, Mackey, Newman, Mirelus, Harris, Norman, Shoudt, Dennis, Run, Grant, Henderson, Cruz, Brown, Ury, Stewart, McGroder, Porter, DeLeon, Collins, Dyllon, Cameron, Carson, Parker, Studevant, Craig, Edwards, Navia, Jamsion, Caldwell, Richmond, Payne, Johns and Williams. His loving servant

Charles - I would like prayer for me to stay focused on Christ and to read His Word more. Pray for me to have a smooth transition to the next building I’m moving to. Pray for my family and daughter Serena to be safe and healthy. Thank you and God bless you.

Clarence – Lord, I’m falling in humility, God help me in this area. God I need a touch from You. Help me press on towards your high calling, which is found in Christ Jesus, amen. I also request prayer for Bro John I, a fellow inmate who seems to be struggling with personal issues. Lift John up before the throne of grace, touch him Lord with your mighty hand, intervene Lord remove his stony heart and give him a pure heart. Do for your honor and your glory, in Jesus name, Amen.

Robert F – I would like prayer for my family, kids and my girlfriend, Lolethea, to just walk in obedience with God. Also pray for Sheridan Correctinal Center, for the inmates and staff to just have the peace and joy of the Lord in their heart and for the Lord just to continue to mold me and build me to fight the good fight for Him and open doors for me. God bless you and thank you for your prayers. Amen.

Jon B – Request for prayer for God to touch the heart of the doctor, Dr. D and medical staff here at Sheridan Corrections and provide me with favor and medical treatment for my illness. Thank you

Levi – First I would like you to pray for the church as a whole (Christian) that we may maturely continue to grow in Christ and share God’s purpose with others. I also need a special prayer for myself. I ask that you pray that I continue to walk in Christ and have the power and courage and lead my children and family in the right direction. My outdate is approaching 4 weeks. I need to be prepared and ready for the life that is awaiting me.

Jacob – I would like for you to pray for my family. I would like for you to pray that God uses me in good and Holy way. I would like you to pray for me that God will use me with the gift music He gave me. I want you to pray for me that God blesses me with a girlfriend and allows us to have kids.

John P. – We here at Sheridan are on a “tight house” which is a generic lockdown. Please pray for us here that we are safe and saved as things can easily happen when the devil is around into people’s idle time. Also pray that the authority who watches over us is safe and that God is using them the way He intends. Also please pray that my daughter write me, graciously yours.

Antoine – I ask that you pray for my sister Latoya to depend upon the Lord. Please pray for my son Antoine Jr. to become a better listener to his Aunt. Also pray for my mom to feel the reassurance of my lifestyle change. Also pray for me to become more faithful in the Lord and following His Word. Also pray for the ministry to continue to be blessed and serve the Lord by doing outreach services.

Rodney – I have been getting discouraged with the things going on here at Sheridan. I’m trying to be humble and patient. Please keep me in your prayers. God bless you.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™

To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.

U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671