March 29, 2011

Sheridan Correctional Malachi Dads Prayer Request - Friday March 25

Greetings All,

We finished the 6-week study “Lead Like Jesus” and will start another 6 week study “God’s Grand Vision for the Home on April 8th. This Friday April 1 the men will take a spiritual gifts test and told how they can use their spiritual gifts for God’s glory.

John – I would like the spirit to come into me, lead me and guide me in its way please pray that the Lord me and covers me in the blood of Jesus Christ. I also need special prayer that the Lord leads me in the right path of whether I shall leave my girlfriend or stay connected because I’m not sure if she is what the Lord wants for me at this time I really need to communicate with my daughters and its starting to weigh heavy on me so please to pray this becomes reality. Humbly yours.

Robert M – God bless you. I could use a prayer for me to gain God’s strength and help others see your glory and your grace also my mother, son and daughters all need prayers for the struggles they have. My sister, her two boys and girl that is due in June, struggle and need prayer as well.

Antoine – Please pray for me to stay strong in the Word and for my sister Latoya to stay away from pills and become more faithful in the Lord. Please pray for my son Antoine Jr. to read his Bible and to do well in school and, that I will be able to be in my 11-years old life. I pray that he and his family are doing well.

Charles W. – My name is Charles W., I would like prayer for my walk with the Lord, to grow closer to the Lord and have a closer relationship for strength and courage and faith in the Lord and in myself to stay sober, to remove my fear and doubt for going forward one day at a time. Thank you

? – Lord, shape me and mold me into what you would have me to be. In Jesus name, Amen .

Robert F – I would like prayer for my family and my kids keep them safe and give them the mind and heart to God, to submit to His obedience and to keep His spirit and presence over Sheridan C.C. touch the men’s hearts and minds. Thank you and God bless you.

John B. – Prayer for reconciliation with those who turned away from me in my fear of love because of my new prison sentence.

Miguel – I ask that you pray for me that I not only continue with my studies but continue practicing patience and tolerance with the guys that I come in contact with on a daily basis. I also ask that you pray for my daughter that she finds her way back to the Lord and stops indulging in worldly things and starts to work for her riches heaven. Thank you and God bless.

Adam – Grace, peace and mercy to you all in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you all for your time and prayers. Please pray for my father’s (Anthony) health & addiction to alcohol. He is very sick and is not able to stop on his own & needs Jesus. Like always I ask for prayer for the sick and suffering brothers and sisters in Chris, Amen. God bless.

Jacob – I would like you to pray for my family. I would like for you to pray for me that God continue to bless my family that is church family. I ask you to pray for me financially that God bless me with some money soon on my books. I would like you to pray that God bless my little brother that has been adopted and put in a foster home.

Levi – I would like to pray for Scott that he continue to minister God’s Word and not become discouraged but continue to push forward and trust God for guidance. Pray for Brian that he transition into his new job and trust God to continue to lead his path. Pray for the guys who have fallen from this study, pray that they continue to study God’s Word some shape and form if not here. Finally pray for the brothers who are continuing with this study that we continue to learn and grow in God’s Word together and pray for our families and loved ones that they may remain strong and guarded in Christ

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas
Cell: 630-863-4260
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™

To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.

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P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671


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