from Chaplain Tom April 10, 2013
Two of our most-fruitful outreaches - reaching 1000's for Christ!
2-Day Mission Trips into Prison
Sun. afternoon - Tues. evening
10 volunteers per trip into IL State Prisons & Federal Prisons. Must be security-approved in advance by submitting DOB & SSN.
18 & older, no felony convitions.
DADS ONLY. (Sorry, Ladies.)
- May 6 - 7, Pekin FCI - filled.
- June 3 - 4, Pontiac MSU - filled.
- June 17 - 18, Dixon CC - room for 1 more!
- July 1 - 2, Pekin FPC - room for 4 more!
- July 15-16, Danville CC - room for 8 more!
- August 5 - 6, Lawrence CC - room for 2 more!
- August 19-20, Big Muddy River CC - room for 9 more!
- September 9 - 10, Greenville FCI - room for 6 more!
- Sept. 23-24, Menard MSU - room for 8 more!
- Oct. 7 - 8, Vandalia CC - room for 3 more!
- Oct. 21-22, TBA, room for 9 more
- Oct. 26-29, (4 days - 2 prisons), Vienna & Shawnee CC - room for 8 more!
- Nov. 4 - 5, Jacksonville CC - room for 5 more!
- Dec. 2 - 3, Taylorville CC - room for 5 more!
- Dec. 16-17, Southwestern IL CC - room for 9 more!
Please note: On these Dads' Seminar Trips, we all pay our own expenses. This usually includes two motel nights, gasoline, and some meals (probably $125 - $150).
1/2-Day Mission Trips into Prison
10 volunteers per trip into Stateville NRC Unit
Must be security-approved in advance by submitting DOB & SSN to Chaplain Tom.
18 & older, no felony convitions.
- April 20 - filled, no more room
- May 18 - filled, no more room
- June 8 - filled, no more room
- July 20 - room for 2 more!
- August 17 - room for 2 more!
- September 21 - filled, no more room
- October 5 - room for 2 more!
- October 19 - room for 2 more!
- November 16 - filled, no more room
- December 21 - filled, no more room
Please note! On these Literature Distribution Trips, we bring our own literature! I recommend 75-100 books, magazines, etc. As your church to help you collect literature!
Please pray with us!
The 200+ volunteers of the
NEW LIFE CORRECTIONS MINISTRY are having a significant impact on Illinois' prison inmates.
We're praying for MORE OPPORTUNITIES to take more Christian witnesses into more prisons, more often, to impact more inmates!
Please, if you're unable to go on these Mission Trips, please pray for us!
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field. - Matthew 9:37-38
For more information on these Missons Opportunities, please feel free to contact Chaplain Tom at tbeatty@waysidecross.org.
Chaplain Tom will WELCOME an invitation to come to your church, your Sunday School Class, your Small Group, your Bible Study, your Civic Club... Please contact Chaplain Tom - tbeatty@waysidecross.org
New Life Corrections Miniistry
a division of Wayside Cross Ministries
215 East New York Street
Aurora IL 60505