November 23, 2011

Prayer Request Sheridan - November 18, 2011



Greetings all;


At long last after the delay of acquiring all the text books the new ministry season at Sheridan has begun, praise God!!


Though the delay in acquisition of the text books pushed the start back a couple of praises came of it. The Assistant Warden of Programs at Sheridan was able to secure the funds to buy enough books to ensure enough books will be supplied for two years, which means a total of 8 classes for 'Renewing Fatherhood' which equals 160 men who can take the class. Forty copies each of the other four books that make up the total curriculum for 'Discipleship 101' will allow 40 men to enroll in each of the four modules that make up 'Discipleship 101.' 


As indirect result of that delay I was blessed with a leadership, a facilitators guide and a DVD for the Inside Out Dad Christian materials to be taught in the 'Renewing Fatherhood' class. To have acquired those on my own would have required the purchasing of a kit that costs $400. That would have come close if not totally depleting the SOPCM ministry funds. In short those the delays were frustrating they resulted in big praises!!! 


I've also am filled with joy that there are four men, Antoine, Clarence, Robert and Jon who were part of last year's Malachi Dad's class that are enrolled in 'Discipleship 101' Jon is now in his third SOCPM class!!! There were a few men from last year who had hoped to enroll this year but for various reasons were not initially selected. Jacob and Robert F are on a waiting lists and I ask for your prayers to bring about a way for them to eventually to get a seat in class the challenge is in order for them to get seat one would have to open up and that would only come if another student drops out. Rodney also from last year was not elected because he will be paroled in December. John P, Levi, Charles, and Miguel all from last year have been paroled which is a praise indeed.


So with all that said let the ministry season of prayer requests begin. There are six men who are enrolled in both programs but to keep it simple they if they chose can submit prayer requests in both class room settings.


Prayer Requests from the men of 'Renewing Fatherhood'


Jason – Please pray that my family has God’s grace

Steven – My prayer request is to be a better father and a strong minister for Christ and to reunite my family and that I receive a job and good church home when I get out and that God blesses me with a spiritual wife and that I serve Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit for the rest of my life

Will – My children’s mom died in 1993. My daughter was 15, second daughter9 and a son 7. In my heat I believe they lost their father too. I started using drugs heavy. For the next eight years I was on a downward spiral leading to death. I accepted Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior in 2000, remarried stayed clean and sober until this incarceration.  Pretty much starting in 2009. That’s why I want to reconcile the pain I caused my 3 children. I want to do right by them, but especially want to be a positive influence in the lives of my grandchildren. I really hope hits program will help, please pray for us; my wife, my children and grandchildren. May the love of God be upon you and your household, as you pray for my household and me.

Terry H – My prayer is to have a better relationship with God, to make amends with my daughter and continue to have a growing relationship with my son.

Yusef – I want to pray for my niece and nephews and my unknown child including my family, the Th____ family and all prisoner’s family members

Michael – My sister’s children, that Joshua never gives up because of his disabilities, that Jacob be healed of his cystic fibrosis and have a good life, that Emily be healed of her cystic fibrosis and keep herself until marriage and that it be God’s will I find a good woman and have a child or children to carry on the family.

Robert – I just pray that my family and friends are all right and I hope that God blesses the world.

Rick – Please pray for my spouse and family and my T.C. brothers and myself, that we may all find are right walk and path in this life.

Christopher F. – Prayers for my son Devin, mom Debra and father.

John – My prayer for my kids, that God will watch over them and protect them as well as look after me and that God will open my heart and mind to this program. Thank you.

Terry T. – Pray for my family, my grandchildren and me.

Prayer Requests from the men of 'Discipleship 101'

John B. – Requesting prayer that God will have His hand on where I parole upon my release.

Michael T. - please pray for my family to be safe and healthy while I’m locked up.

Robert M. – I would like you to pray for my children, Robert, Kylie and Reilly, their mother as well as my mother. Also pray that I keep courage and gain the wisdom to lead them the way God wants me to.

Anthony – I would like pray said for my mother, Loretta, that she stays in good health for my two brothers, George and Peter. Pray for Peter to gain employment and for Peter’s battle to addiction. Finally, pray for my son Stephen that he understands I love him and I will return to him soon.

Richard – Please pray that I know and accept God’s plan for me, pray that I’m accepted and allowed to go to the discipleship aftercare program that best fulfills God’s plan and most fervently pray that through all this that I become the man God wants me to be for my family and the body of Christ. Blessed be you and yours.

Rick R – Please pray for my spouse, family and also for my T.C. brothers and all of our progress in recovery. Please pray for my daughter and her newly found pregnancy. Thank you

Michael S. – Let us pray that all of God’s children in our study group increase in understanding and wisdom as to help each other to become the best version of themselves that they can be in our call to holiness in this life and beyond. Also may our Lord bless and keep our families safe and joyous through out this holiday season. We pray this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Dean – I ask for prayers for continued health for my entire family and friends. Also I ask for a special bonding with my brother with whom I had differences. I also ask to pray for my father as he was just diagnosed with cancer. Amen

Rick D. – Prayer request is for Louis and Patricia D. to bring their hearts to Jesus Christ.

Will – I pray for this ministry. May I also get all I can and put into practice what I learn from this class. Pray for God’s blessings on my wife, children and grand children, the strength protection of Jesus in my incarceration, I receive the heavenly wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Robert J – Pray for the world.

Jeffery – I would like to pray for my family, my four children and their mothers for good health emotionally, physically ad mentally, my grandmother Joyce for her health to get better, my mother Divine for a peace of mind and my father Jeff Sr. for his alcohol addiction. I would also like you to pray for myself to build a better relationship with the Lord. Thank you.

Steven – I would like to pray for the continuation of this ministry and the work I do for Christ Jesus so I can become a complete man of God and Christ His son and especially to my children and family, that the church’s of God and America come back to Christ and also pray for a revival.

Clarence – Prayer for spiritual growth and discernment of good and evil. Pray for obedience unto the Lord, for wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God’s plan for my life. God’s good effective and perfect will for my life to be in alignment with his plan, carrying out His purpose daily, faithful daily communion with God and intimate fellowship with God. In Jesus name Amen

Antoine – I ask that you pray for my son Antoine Jr. and me. that we will become a family again. I ask that you pray for my family and especially my mom, that she be strong in the Word and to continue to love and follow the Lord. Last but not least pray for all of us in prison to be able to shine His light to those who don’t believe so that we can save some souls. Amen

If you prefer not to receive these prayer requests please reply “NO SOCPM PRAYER REQUESTS” to be removed from all SOCPM e-mails reply “NO SOCPM E-MAILS”

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas

Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™



U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671




November 10, 2011

Dixon Prayer Request of Renewing Fatherhood class

Greetings All and praise God for the beginning of a new prison ministry season;


Though the time off and being with Michelle a whole bunch was a joyful time, I'm very excited and enthusiastic to begin the new ministry season and to be sending you prayer request! This ministry season has been blessed to have two additional class add to last year's ministry. This season will have two classes at Sheridan Correctional Center; Discipleship 101 which will focus on building a sound foundation of day to day discipleship. the second class at Sheridan and the inaugural class at Dixon Correctional Center is 'Renewing Fatherhood.' It will focus on teach the students fathering skills and the overcoming of their own wounds brought on by their own childhood.


I'm so fill with joy I ask you lift prayers of praise for God blessing me with these opportunities and other prison ministry serving opportunities but that I remain humble and serve for His glory and His glory alone.


I also thank God for you and thank you all for being prayer soldiers for all the students.

Dixon Correctional Center Renewing Fatherhood
Prayer Request – Wednesday November 10, 2011

If you prefer not to receive these prayer requests please reply “No Dixon” to be removed from all SOCPM e-mails “No SOCPM”

Ricardo – I would like you to pray for my situation and for God to put His shield of protection over my family and loved ones. Thank you and God bless

William S. – In general; acknowledging that the will of God is done. Specifically; Responding godly yo God’s revealed will.

Jeremy – Please pray for my court situation with custody of my son Kamren. I hope to have my parents adopt him. He lost his mom at 2 weeks old, so all that he has is me. Pray that God uses this class to change me to be a better father and let the court see I’m a better father. (Note: Jeremy is at Dixon only for court appearances, his parent institution is Vandalia. I got an initial good vibe with Jeremy pray that his court proceedings would last until completion of the class. And or he will be able to attend a fatherhood class in Vandalia where I’m to be with New Life Corrections January 2-3.

Michael – I would like to pray for those who have nobody to pray for their prayers to be answer. I also like to pray for good health for all and loving, caring, peaceful life and for ever be in our Father’s protection.

Aubrey – My name is Aubrey I would like prayer for me to have help. I’m a deaf mute, I’m Christian and I thank you Lord. I pray to have my family to have their dad back, I don’t lose my kids (note: as Aubrey states he is a deaf mute and though he has an interpreter he also reads my lips and me to speak slower. My method of teaching is to walk around the room and speak at a pace that will be a challenge for Aubrey to read my lips. Please pray that I will be mindful to communicate in a way for Aubrey to understand all that is being taught).

Courtney – I would like for my family to be prayed for.

Wayne – Pray that my girlfriend Sarah is staying strong and is doing well and to help her build her faith and have God speak to her through out the day. Pray that God will give her hope.

Robert – I desire that you will pray for my children and me to be able to write one another. Also pray that God will continue to comfort their hearts and minds. Pray that God will bless me with more of His spirit. Pray that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will continue to teach me about love and show me how to walk in His Word. God is Lord in my life and I desire that God’s will, will always prevail here in prison and when I leave here. God teach me to stand for Christ, righteous, God’s grace is sufficient for me. Praise God.

Will – Pray for my children; Jessica, Don and Amber. Pray for my siblings; Donna fighting breast cancer& MS, Jason, in-laws David and Amanda, various family members Desmond, Beau Kim, John and Aaron.

Terry – Would you please pray for my son’s and my relationship to be restored the way before it was before I got incarcerated. Pray that my son’s relationship with Lord Jesus Christ will become better and better everyday and that we will walk faithfully with the Lord. Also pray for my daughter’s and my relationship to also be restored & reconciled. She is 21-years old and just gave birth to my grandson May 27th. My daughter Mariah is 21, my grandson Damuri is 6 months on November 27th, my son Terry Jr. is 12 years-old. Pray for all our relationships to be restored and reconciled through the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you

David – My children’s mother is also incarcerated, youngest daughter was born in Dwight Correctional Center L My children are all in foster care much like I was but they are with family but still split up. Can you pray for all of us all to hold together until this is over and we all can get back together where we belong. I have three children; Jacey 3-years old and whom I’m very close to, Aylah 5-yeas old whom I haven’t seen since she was 7 months old, Sunny 1-month old and whom I still have not met. All little girls J DCFS is setting up visitations now J

 Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas

Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™

U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671




Jail Mail - Banquet results & Volunteers Needed


JAIL-MAIL from Chaplain Tom

November 10, 2011           New Life Corrections Ministry

                                            - a division of Wayside Cross Ministries



Inmates need your Christian witness!



Stateville Prison


3rd Saturdays, 8 - Noon








DuPage & Kendall

County Jails


Fridays, 2 - 3:30 PM (DuPage)

Thursdays, 6 - 7:30 PM (Kendall)









Kane & Kendall

County Jails


Fridays, 7:15 - 9:15 PM (Kane)

Tuesdays, 1:30 - 2:30 PM (Kendall)





All Illinois Prisons


100 Dads Needed!

1st Mon-Tues of each month








County Jail


Tuesdays, 9 - 11 AM









Redeemer Fellowship


in St. Charles


Tuesdays, 7 - 9 PM


Grading Keys & training provided.


For additional information & applications,

please contact Chaplain Tom at

Banquet results:  

Thank you for praying!  The offering was $10,700, so we were able to collect 100% of the $10,000 "matching challenge," for a total income from the banquet of $20,700!  

Way to go God!                Thank you donors!


November 6, 2011


Publisher: Windblown Media; Reprint edition (June 1, 2011)
Pages: 304

How would you feel if your child was abducted right from under your nose? And how would it change your life and your relationship with God?

When Mackenzie Philip’s daughter is abducted, he’s forever changed for the worse…or at least until “Papa” summons him to the exact spot that has haunted him for the past three years. Reluctantly, Mack does as God calls him to do. At the shack Mack faces one of several questions plaguing him. “Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?”

For those that are mature Christians, the answer to Mack’s question may not be a new concept, but will confirm what they already know. For those that aren’t close to God, or have drifted from Him, it will give light to unanswered questions and disappointments.

When I first heard talk about a number one bestseller about a man meeting a black, female God in a shack, I was a bit put off by the premise. I really didn’t know what to make of it, though I wrestled with whether or not to read THE SHACK, by WM. PAUL YOUNG.

Over the years THE SHACK resurfaced in my life when others asked if I’d read it or I came across it on Amazon, or at the store. But still I wasn’t ready to read it.

But God has a way of not letting up when He wants us to experience something. If you would have asked me few years back, I wouldn’t have imagined I would have read THE SHACK because of an inmate. But that’s exactly how I came to being blessed to read such a magnificent book.

I’ve been serving in the prison and jail ministry since 2004, and I’m forever amazed at God’s blessings through this ministry. Because of one inmates request through my church to receive a specific faith based book, a friendship grew. Eventually he received the book he requested and in return I received THE SHACK. If not for my promise I’d made to him to read it, I may never have done so.

I don’t recall ever having dog-eared and or highlighted a fiction book in the way I have THE SHACK. The story was amazing. The characters were three dimensional. The writing superb, and the insight to the trinity outstanding.

I’m so impressed by THE SHACK and its ability to depict Christ, forgiveness, and how to live one’s life; I intend to purchase several copies to share this remarkable book with others. I highly recommend it for everyone, no matter where they are spiritually. From those that are very far from God, to those that are mature Christians.

November 3, 2011


Publisher: Thomas Nelson (February 15, 2004)
Pages: 64

GIVE IT ALL TO HIM, A STORY OF NEW BEGINNINGS by MAX LUCADO, may be small in size, but don’t let that fool you. I was surprised when I completed this book to discover how much I had highlighted.

GIVE IT ALL TO HIM is about new beginnings, forgiveness, and letting go and giving it all to God.

Quote from page 26:

“Listen. The weight of weariness pulls you down. Self-reliance misleads you. Disappointments discourage you. Anxiety plagues you. But guilt? Guilt consumes you.”

This little book is a great tool for those far from God, as well as those that are new Christians. I volunteers are Illinois Youth Center Warrenville, and plan to use this booklet as a teaching tool for the girls. It’s a quick read, clear, and right to the point.

How many of us have filled a garbage bag or two in our lives with guilt, shame, hatred, worry, resentment or unforgiveness? In GIVE IT ALL TO HIM, we learn that though some may have more bags then others, we’ve all had a garbage bag or two in our lives. It gives us not only the permission to give it to God, but the insight that He wants us to do that very thing, and the freedom it’ll bring. Something most of us need reminding at one point or another.