The Malachi Dads and I were blessed this Friday past, by having the opportunity to have Mica of “Bridge to Freedom” to give her testimony of God’s transforming work in her life and a presentation on the post prison after care ministry.
You’ll notice a few of the men ask for prayer in their decision making about after care. My heart aches knowing for all of these men this decision can be the hardest one they’ve made in a long time, and how a poor choice though they feel in their hearts (Jeremiah 17:9) to be a good one, can be devastating in their walk with God and very likely result in them in returning to prison. I ask that you pray ‘fervently’ for all the men to know God’s will for them and make it clearly know with a heart of peace. Thank you
Robert F. – I would like to pray for my family and myself to walk in obedience with God, fight the good fight and send me home as a godly father, son, husband, keeping God first in my life. That I be blessed with. Thank you and God bless
Rodney – Please keep my family and me in your prayers. I have been away for a while and it has been affecting our relationship.
Antoine – I ask that you pray for my family, especially my son, my sister and my mom, my sister Latoya for strength and encouragement, my mom Bobbie for health and strength, my son Antoine Jr. for health also and for me and my strength.
John P. – Please pray that I make a right decision on a recovery home. I am really contemplating “Bridge to Freedom” now that I heard the full presentation. Please pray that I make the best possible decision. Also please pray my spirits remain high. Please pray that Scott gets to help his mom safely and returns safely. Also please pray that everyone has a good Father’s Day.
Robert M. – Please pray that my children will love and accept Christ. Please pray, that I listen to Christ in all I do and not the flesh, also pray for my wife. Thank you.
Miguel – I thank you for taking your time out to read this and pray for my loved ones and me. I ask that you pray for me for God to show me where it is He wants me to go upon release. I’m torn between a recovery home that is three months long and Bridge to Freedom that is two years long. I also ask that you continue to pray for my wife, Lizette, that God helps her find a good job so that she can work full-time and they don’t play with her hours and days for work. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
Lidell – Godly wisdom understanding and knowledge of your will Lord. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Jon B. – Request prayer for God to provide me with wisdom, knowledge and understanding to choose a place to parole to.
Charles – My name is Charles. I would like you to pray for me to make the right choice in choosing after care. Pray for forgiveness from my daughter Serena and her mother Angel. Pray for me to stay in Christ and to walk with the Lord Pray for me to be humble and to stay in the Word. Thank you and God bless you.
Jacob – I would like for you to pray for my sister (in Christ) Mica that God continue to use her. I ask that you pray that God allows me cellie and myself for being the way I am towards him. I ask for you to pray for my family. I ask that you pray for my grandmother who is in East Chicago, IN.
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™
To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.
U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671
A place for those that volunteer or work in the Prison and Jail Ministry. Those with loved ones that are incarcerated or soon to be incarcerated. For those that were incarcerated at one time.
June 18, 2011
June 12, 2011
Sheridan Correctional Malachi Dads Prayer Request - Friday June 10, 201
Greeting all;
A short list this week, not because a lack of attendees but rather a first in prison ministry for me, the prison went on lock-down about 10 minutes into the class. Nothing dramatic, the power simply went out.
Robert F – I would like to pray for my kids and my family for all the guys in Sheridan C. C. and for myself to continue to walk in obedience with God and to be blessed to receive work release and first give God all the praise and glory. Thank you for your prayers
Clarence – Pray that I would become more persistent in exercising humility along with godly wisdom.
Miguel – I first and foremost want to thank you for taking time out of your day to pray for us that are incarcerated. I pray that for me to continue to do God’s will and not my own. That I stay focused and not let those that are still working for the evil one to pull me down to their level and lose focus. I also ask that you pray for my wife that in all her looking that she find a job that she’ll enjoy doing and will pay for what she’s looking for.
John P. – My prayer request is for Scott this week, he has shown up here for 37 weeks to spread the Word of God bless him and keep him safe on his vacation with helping his family. Also please pray that I grow stronger in the Word of God.
Adam – To the church of God and our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, grace peace and mercy to you all, please keep the children of God in pray and all the lost souls. Please pray for the leaders of the world and that God’s will, will be done with willing and open hearts and minds. Please keep my family and me in your prayers. Thank you and God bless.
Jacob - I would like for you to pray for all my brothers and sisters young and old who are currently in the department of corrections. I would like that you pray for my Auntie dealing with the lost of a loved one. Pray that God will give her some peace and heal her.
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™
To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.
U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671
A short list this week, not because a lack of attendees but rather a first in prison ministry for me, the prison went on lock-down about 10 minutes into the class. Nothing dramatic, the power simply went out.
Robert F – I would like to pray for my kids and my family for all the guys in Sheridan C. C. and for myself to continue to walk in obedience with God and to be blessed to receive work release and first give God all the praise and glory. Thank you for your prayers
Clarence – Pray that I would become more persistent in exercising humility along with godly wisdom.
Miguel – I first and foremost want to thank you for taking time out of your day to pray for us that are incarcerated. I pray that for me to continue to do God’s will and not my own. That I stay focused and not let those that are still working for the evil one to pull me down to their level and lose focus. I also ask that you pray for my wife that in all her looking that she find a job that she’ll enjoy doing and will pay for what she’s looking for.
John P. – My prayer request is for Scott this week, he has shown up here for 37 weeks to spread the Word of God bless him and keep him safe on his vacation with helping his family. Also please pray that I grow stronger in the Word of God.
Adam – To the church of God and our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, grace peace and mercy to you all, please keep the children of God in pray and all the lost souls. Please pray for the leaders of the world and that God’s will, will be done with willing and open hearts and minds. Please keep my family and me in your prayers. Thank you and God bless.
Jacob - I would like for you to pray for all my brothers and sisters young and old who are currently in the department of corrections. I would like that you pray for my Auntie dealing with the lost of a loved one. Pray that God will give her some peace and heal her.
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™
To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.
U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671
June 7, 2011
"Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?" Romans 6:16 Watch this amazing story of the transforming power of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.
God at Work - Alex Calloway from Harvest Bible Chapel on Vimeo.
June 2, 2011
Sheridan Correctional Malachi Dads Prayer Request - Friday May 27, 2011
Very late in getting these out and apologize. I’m in the process of migrating from a Windows computer to a Mac Pro and it has been time consuming and a learning curve.
Last Friday we said good bye to Levi with a laying of the hands as he was paroled this past Wednesday. Levi I believe is one of the most promising inmates (now former inmate) I’ve been blessed to be part of SOCPM.
Robert M – Pray for my mother Connie, who is still struggling with her health and with the supporting of my son Robert III. I have yet to hear from her in 6 or 7 weeks now. My fiancé Julia could use some prayer to help with her situation being incarcerated as well. All the brothers here at Sheridan including staff and especially the brothers on C & D hall here at building 13 need you Lord. All of these people need you to Lord and I ask that you help all of us grow closer to You; Monica, Carmen, Jonathan, Da Shy, Carmen, Iatoya. Pray God helps me gain the wisdom and knowledge to share his love w/the world
John P. I am blessed to be thankful to have Scott coming here to Sheridan to be able to help get more saints pray for us and we also pray that you guys lives are blessed as well. This week I am so grateful to have a place to stay and some food to eat. There are so many people whose entire lives are gone due to the high volume of tornados that are sweeping the country. I would like all you to pause a moment or two when reading this request and then say a prayer for all those who have lost everything. Thankfully yours
Lidell – I would like you to pray for my mom who has my children and also pray for my wife, who also is locked up in prison and also pray for every person here at Sheridan.
Charles – Hello my name is Charles. I would like prayer for helping deal with the fear of being alone or not having a significant other, also with the fear of not being able to be self-sufficient. Also pray for me to trust in the Lord and to have and to stay in the Word daily. Thank you and God bless you.
Clarence – Pray for godly wisdom
Robert F. – I’m asking for prayer over my kids and family and over the guys in Sheridan C. C. Also pray for me in my obedience and walk with Christ to stand firm and to overcome the flesh and the things of the world. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
Jacob – I would like you to pray for me that I would receive some mail soon because I have not got anything in 2 months now. I ask that you pray my Father God forgives me for the sins I’ve committed. I ask that you ask my Father God to allow my pastor to hear my cry in the letters I send him. I ask that you pray for my family that they be safe. I ask that you pray that God allow me to become a fireman one day upon release from parole. I ask that you pray to God and ask Him to bless me with a wife.
Levi – I ask that you would pray for God’s trusted servants that they continue to carry God’s message and lead others to Christ. I ask that you continue to pray for this study group. That it continue to grow and enlighten others as it did me. Finally pray that my journey in Christ continue on the outside, that God will leave me to a faithful church.
Jon B. – Request prayer that God will provide me with favor with health care staff here at Sheridan. Thank you.
Rodney – Thank you for your prayers, I received a few blessings recently. Right now I’m trying to keep my mind focused on the right things, despite the negative changes going on around here. Please pray that God will keep me focused on Him. God bless you.
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™
To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.
U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671
Last Friday we said good bye to Levi with a laying of the hands as he was paroled this past Wednesday. Levi I believe is one of the most promising inmates (now former inmate) I’ve been blessed to be part of SOCPM.
Robert M – Pray for my mother Connie, who is still struggling with her health and with the supporting of my son Robert III. I have yet to hear from her in 6 or 7 weeks now. My fiancé Julia could use some prayer to help with her situation being incarcerated as well. All the brothers here at Sheridan including staff and especially the brothers on C & D hall here at building 13 need you Lord. All of these people need you to Lord and I ask that you help all of us grow closer to You; Monica, Carmen, Jonathan, Da Shy, Carmen, Iatoya. Pray God helps me gain the wisdom and knowledge to share his love w/the world
John P. I am blessed to be thankful to have Scott coming here to Sheridan to be able to help get more saints pray for us and we also pray that you guys lives are blessed as well. This week I am so grateful to have a place to stay and some food to eat. There are so many people whose entire lives are gone due to the high volume of tornados that are sweeping the country. I would like all you to pause a moment or two when reading this request and then say a prayer for all those who have lost everything. Thankfully yours
Lidell – I would like you to pray for my mom who has my children and also pray for my wife, who also is locked up in prison and also pray for every person here at Sheridan.
Charles – Hello my name is Charles. I would like prayer for helping deal with the fear of being alone or not having a significant other, also with the fear of not being able to be self-sufficient. Also pray for me to trust in the Lord and to have and to stay in the Word daily. Thank you and God bless you.
Clarence – Pray for godly wisdom
Robert F. – I’m asking for prayer over my kids and family and over the guys in Sheridan C. C. Also pray for me in my obedience and walk with Christ to stand firm and to overcome the flesh and the things of the world. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
Jacob – I would like you to pray for me that I would receive some mail soon because I have not got anything in 2 months now. I ask that you pray my Father God forgives me for the sins I’ve committed. I ask that you ask my Father God to allow my pastor to hear my cry in the letters I send him. I ask that you pray for my family that they be safe. I ask that you pray that God allow me to become a fireman one day upon release from parole. I ask that you pray to God and ask Him to bless me with a wife.
Levi – I ask that you would pray for God’s trusted servants that they continue to carry God’s message and lead others to Christ. I ask that you continue to pray for this study group. That it continue to grow and enlighten others as it did me. Finally pray that my journey in Christ continue on the outside, that God will leave me to a faithful church.
Jon B. – Request prayer that God will provide me with favor with health care staff here at Sheridan. Thank you.
Rodney – Thank you for your prayers, I received a few blessings recently. Right now I’m trying to keep my mind focused on the right things, despite the negative changes going on around here. Please pray that God will keep me focused on Him. God bless you.
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries™
To bring the gospel to the prisons, disciple Christian prisoners and connect them with resources that will provide them with holistic discipleship during and after incarceration.
U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671
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